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Although I’m unsure of what the future will bring, I’m optimistic that these friends will become life-long members of a special circle of trust, respect, and understanding.

To Annie,
You are unkind, unyielding, and uncannily uncompromising. It seems as if every word issued from your biting lips is designed to cut, maim, and bleed me. My attempts to cury your favor and lull you with charismatic gestures have been met with disapproval and scorn and I fear I am a wicked image in your mind's vision. While I feel this is the nature of our relationship, one of belittlement and opposition, I must admit that I still yet adore you in a confusing yet profound way. There is something in your originality that is all-at-once vexing and ambiguous. If I had to give my thoughts, I'd say that it is our on-going contest of wills that is the catalyst to our chemistry. I once said that any gentle actions or sweet words from you would be altogether alien - I wouldn't know what to make of them. Knowing this struggle betwixt us is fated, I therefore toast our match and pray you find me a worthy adversary. Bottoms up!

To Chris,
Though combative and pugnacious at times, your vitality and commitment towards friends is incredible. Of my newest friends, you most likely know the most about me, due to early-morning heart-to-hearts that have been both candid and empathetic. I respect both your willingness to serve others and your mortal strength, and I am most glad that you have the sense and education to use that power for just aims. I dream that we shall know each other someday and celebrate our strengths as comrades yet remember always our fallible, human natures.

To Tony,
Being that kindness is one trait I acclaim above others, I'm sure you'll find it no wonder that I include you in my circle. The inclination toward kindness is heavily related to our care and love for others. This is why I applaud you for what seems like a never-ending flow of love from your heart. It seems good nature wells from somewhere deep inside you, and runs like a river whose source is inexhaustible. May unlucky fortune and desperate circumstance never cause it to run dry.

To Danh,
*hugz* I hope you will remember me someday, in times still long to come, as a man whose affection for others was always shown to the fullest. I still don't know much about you, although I think that is more a consequence of our busy lives and absence of time than anything else. Someday, if the fates prove understanding and malleable, I promise - if the desire is reciprocated - that we will know each other as good friends who mutually trust and respect one another.
Active Friends

They are the glue that binds our lives together through shared hardship, pain, and, with luck, much love. Thanks to my friends who help keep me sane in a deranged world.

    To Nguyen,
    I would wager that you didn't think you'd be on such a list. As I've told you before - and I'm sure you remember - my girlfriend always becomes one of my best friends. Being with you, I feel at ease and the sparse cares that bog my conscience evaporate like after-morning dew. Kindness, trust, and faith seem to burst from you like darkness yielding before a newly-lit candle. Still, while candlelight flickers and fades, yours is an eternal, Elysian warmth made tangible - like our molten core or distant newborn stars. Though our time together may not be as immeasurable as the Empyrean, I dearly wish your spirit ever blazes.

    To Leney,
    Did you ever just click with someone so well that you felt like you`ve known them for a long time even though you haven`t really known each other very long at all? Well, that`s how I feel about you. You`re a delight to talk to and even better to be with, even if you`re yelling the crap out of me or lecturing me *lolx*. Good times! Your quote about me? "You always have happy eyes! It makes me think you`re being sarcastic!" If we should argue, may we come to the brink of fisticuffs only to embrace closer than before. *Raises a glass* May the years bring us closer and see us well.

    To Wen,
    There`s little better than seeing your jubilant face day after day. If you`re not laughing, you`re usually smiling, and with optimism like yours, it`s hard not to be thankful for each breath I breath. Holding you, there is a comfort and saftey that I find irresistable. I`m thankful that we are friends, and for the addition of you into the equation of my life.

    To Yang,
    I know we`ll be friends for a long time if not always. You rein me in when my head swells, andyou`re calm through turmoil. Talking to you is so relaxing because your patience and understanding are unrivaled. It`s amazing how although I`ve known you for such a short time, we know each other well. I see you beginning to move into a different period of your life, as I havedone. I can`t wait to see whatthe years bring us, because I already know they will bring us closer together.

    To Vi,
    Vi, despite a temper and an uncommon hairstyle, you manage to make friends everywhere. Your popularity and ability to socialize make me proud to call you my "dawg" (I refuse to call you dai lo!). We have the misforune to share a common past of solitude. Our young selves were lonely, self-conscious shells that were but shadows of who we would become later in life - actual complete human beings with infinite potential.May the remainder of our lives be filled with happiness, joy, and love.

    To Pete,
    Although we knew each other for atleast 3 or 4 years, we had never spent much time together. I`m glad that we have become good friends. In the many years that we`ve known each other, we`ve grown so that our former selves seem like whispers of people who never existed. Everyone would be lucky to have a friend likeyou. As our lives ebb and flow, I hope I am here to see what the tide brings in.

    To Pauly,
    Hey girl, you`re a wild person who loves to drive. Nuff said? Well, thanks for good times and suffering through my overbearing personality while I suffer through yours. We maybe at odds a lot of the time, but we do have those moments where we our thoughts are in snyc and I actually realize why I put you on this list.

    To Hung,
    Since you`ve come to Drexel, we`ve been able to hang out more often. What have I learned from this? That you`re a dangerous dangerous man who can pimp it with the best of them. We`ve had a couple heart-to-hearts by now, and I want you to know that I`m thankful that the trust I try to show to you has been returned tenfold.

    To Sunshine,
    Ohhh gawwwd no . . . haha that`s probably whatyou`re thinking. Thanksfor giving me the chance to get to know you. With time maybe we can actually come to a point where sharing is natural and we find comfort in eachother`s company. The love and respect I have for you runs deeper than any well, any ravine, and any hole ... besides the one in my heart that tears at me with guilt. I hope I can redeem myself someday in both your eyes and my own. 

Benched Friends

No no, these aren't my second string friends or anything. Sometimes when you don't see friends a lot or don't talk to them often, they just get put on the back burner. Sad but true. That doesn't mean I don't still love them though!

    To Meg,
    Girl, even though I get more rolled eyes and evil looks from you than possibly anyone else on this planet, I am still very comfortable being around you. With your new style, you went from ginger ale to a gassy dr. pepper! Errrm ... yes, that`s a good thing. Although I might make jokes about you being a teddy bear or being a lil cutey, never forget that my respect for you is hidden somewhere in my mindless babble.

    To Yanan,
    Yan my friend, I hope you're having fun up there at U. Park. I always wanted to live someplace with two female roomates. You are the man. We had many good times together before you moved up, and everytime you come back here we forge even more memories. We've shared our times of happiness, pain, and drama, and our stories have crossed more than once. Remember when you asked me if you could go with Jian-Hua to her senior prom? lolx You were so funny because you thought I might be offended. Let me just tell you now, anytime you want to take any of my ex's out for a nice time, feel free. You don't even need to ask, just gimme a holla. The greatest thing about you Yan is your inate wisdom about relationships ... now if you could only put that into practice haha. Don't worry Yan, your day will come despite the silly women who have let you go in the past. Happiness will find both of us.

    To David,
    Buddy Brother, we had a lot of good times in the past. We started out as mere aquaintances but became brothers. I will always think of you that way, despite the tragic events that forced us apart. Whatever make come in your life, I hope you have the courage and strength to be a good man - even when temptation and anger strike at you with hot hammer blows. Remember that they are merely tempering your spirit for what will hopefully be a fruitful life of joy and good times. Thanks for helping to make me the man I am today. Always take care bro.

    To Phil,
    Hey dawg, thanks for being my dorm buddy my first year of college. It was very cool that there was someone that I could actually chill with. We had a lot of good times both in school and out. I will always remember that late night we had before finals where we stayed up all night and instead of studying, played battletoads with your friend Jason. That was

    To Pete,
    Yea you dirty mofo. Even if you're in LA and even if I never talk to your ass, I want you to know that being friends with you meant a lot to me. Not only are you a part of many happy and exciting memories but you also helped make me the man I am today - whether or not I should thank you is debatable. What can I say? I had never met someone nearly as outspoken or as perverted as you. Yes, that is a compliment. Ever since the summer of my junior year, I've been worrying about you. Practice safe sex because I won't be there to check your joint for swelling. ^_^

    To Quoc,
    Asian tower or man whore? The eternal question ... haha ... you know that I say it out of love. I will always remember that spring when we were partners in crime. Despite my shame about the train of events, I have no regrets. Why? Well, one of the reasons is because I got to hang out with a cool guy like you (even if you DID make me chip in for the Navigator despite my handicapped status). So I hope you're doing well at Temple and being the pimp that I always tried to be. Don't break too many hearts or catch too many STDs!! 

I am unsure when this was originally written.