in Uncategorized

i started out the day moving empty computer boxes from a basement room to a first

floor hallway. it must`ve taken an hour or maybe even two but when it was done,

i worked in the korman center`s public cluster. while there, a girl named dina

came in with a problem and i helped her outat her room in kelly. when i came back

it was time for the luncheon being held inthe kitchen. i had a not so tasty sandwich

and then went with brian and marge downstairs to work with phone services. for the

next 2 and a half hours we worked with the telephone tickets, going to myers calhoun,

and the main building to work on the cables. in general, it was a pretty cool day

although there was a bit too much walking for my taste. i also got to talk to my future

roomate. turns out he alsolived in myers.updates to the site include asian avenue links

attached to the names of my friends and links added to the road not taken page.

something tells me that the background image for the side bar is not properly aligned

with the top image. the picture of me probably hides it and through an optical illusion

gives the appearance of continuity. i will check on this tomorrow as it is getting late.