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Human thought is so complex. We forget sometimes that not everyone thinks like we do, but to be happy and healthy in this world, we must be able to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes. How can he be that way? How can she believe that? Are they mad? Are they demented? Probably to you, but can you learn to see the world through different eyes? if you master this skill then your is the world my friend. Do you see why the mother leaves her baby to die in the cold? Do you see understand how two towers could get blown up? Do you realize that maybe you’re the one who’s crazy? By accepting and acknowledging simple ideas and seeing the facets of a person’s mind, we can better understand the world, and, consequently, ourselves. After this, you are the master of good and evil. Once you know how people behave, you can use this knowledge for good in dissuading harmful acts, or evil by manipulation. The possibilities are endless.