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Sittinback wit this mic in my hand ... i tried recording myself singing ... but i sounded like *ss. Sorry Kos ... I guess you wont be hearing me for awhile. what else did I do today? Help Resse out with a pdf, work on the Revelasians layout, work on Hungs AA page, fill out a stupid form on college dormitories, d/l Magnum Mysterium (bangin music straight out of Latium) and Body Electric, fill out a cable listing (TNs and feeds) for all phones in theVan R Dormitory, insult Lenes speech, think about girls, grab Danh, write a poem for a friend, and write this journal. Sounds like alot doesn`t it? Well it IS! To me that is …

Looking for good songs to d/l? Try these: Lullabye and And So It Goes by Billy Joel, Faded Pictures by Case, and Where I Wanna Be by Donell Jones!