resolutions I Hate Resolutions…
1. Be more considerate of others Fuck other people over.
2. Be more patient when instructing others. Bitch slap slow-ass whores.
3. Be less perverted. Say the word penis at every meal.
4. Be kind to my fellow man. Treat others like lepers.
5. Appreciate and treasure my natural gifts. Act like a cocky, arrogant asshole.
6. Limit the use of expletives in every-day conversation and online. Fuck that–bunch of damn pussies.
7. Exercise both my mind and my body. Play Counter-strike and eat cheese-covered donuts.
8. Be less critical of others. All of you are retarded.
9. Give to the poor. Lazy bastards can go sniff for nuggets in the alley behind Micky D’s.
10. Be grateful for life and all of its bounties. I love breasts. *boiiiiing*