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Through Time and NYC


BenXiaoHai, SiliVTguyQT, PrincessWoohoo, Aznboi082281, my boss James, and I went to NYC today.

~7:00 AM EST The ringing of my phone startles me awake. “Hello?” I wearily ask. “Wake up Jamie,” says BenXiaoHai. “Okay okay bye,” I respond tiredly.

~8:45 AM EST I give Vi a nod as he steps into the El. He sits next to me and I ask about AznBoi082281. He’s at home and is gonna drive to chinatown later with SiliVTguyQT. We wait for our stop with silent expectation.

~6:00 PM EST Having gotten only a few hours of sleep the previous night, I sleep on Vi’s shoulder in the bus.

~11:30 AM EST Having gotten only a few hours of sleep the previous night, I sleep in my seat at the restuarant where we are having dim sum.

~4:00 AM EST Still writing a xanga entry. Hi, I’m Jamie and I am a Xangaholic.

~2:00 PM EST “Well, if we don’t find something for Rob, let’s just buy him his ticket next time we come up,” suggests SiliVtguyQT. “Sounds good,” I respond, “but I hope we can find something.”

~9:00 AM EST “Hello?” Vi answers his cell phone. “Rob? Oh shit!” “I thought we forgot someone!” I exclaim.

~4:00 PM EST My feet are going to fall off. I hope we can find the bus stop.

~7:30 PM EST We arrive in Chinatown and go to Sangkee for Theresse and Dean’s birthday celebration. Unfortunately we don’t feel like eating so we leave early. I write one of my long messages in Resse’s card. BenXiaoHai and I give her a present–a sign with her name painted with fish, butterflies, and insects.

~1:00 PM EST “Can you write this for me?” I ask. I quickly form a Q and finish the line. “Is this a u?” he asks, looking at the name. “Yes.”

~6:30 PM EST “What?” Quyen answers her phone. “Hey, it’s Jamie, are you busy?” I ask. “No, why?” she returns. “Oh well, Vi and I were in New York and now we’re on the bus and I’m really bored,” I fib, “Where are you at?” “Just getting off the train for home,” static garbles her words. “Oh well, I’ll just talk to you tomorrow since I can’t really hear you,” I say with embarrassment. ‘You’re such a spaz–and a liar,’ I think to myself.

~11:26 PM EST ‘Hmmm, was that last part too much,’ I think to myself, ‘Ahhh, who cares?’

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