Problem Description, from Project Euler
Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers
I couldn’t think of many optimizations for this problem, other than avoiding duplicates when calculating the products of numbers. That’s why I just brute-forced it. The only (barely) interesting thing I did here was to write a function which recognized palindromes. Thinking about the problem now, I suppose we can predict whether the first and last digits of a product will be the same by looking at the hundreds and tens digits of the factors.
; flattens a nested list (defn flatten [x] (let [s? #(instance? clojure.lang.Sequential %)] (filter (complement s?) (tree-seq s? seq x)))) (defn palindrome? [s] (if (or ; all 1 letter strings or ; nils are palindromes (<= (count s) 1) (nil? s) ) true (and (= (first s) (last s)) (palindrome? (take (- (count s) 2) (rest s))) ) ) ) (defn problem04 [] (def x (range 100 1000)) ; sort, then take the last (last (sort ; filter to only palindromes (filter #(palindrome? (str %)) ; distinct products of all 3-digit numbers (distinct (flatten (map (fn [n] (map (fn [a] (* a n)) x)) x ) )) ) )) )
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