in Personal


The beauty of a Hallmark card lies not in prepackaged words but a friend’s messy scrawls set in sweet rythmic blurbs.


What’s your true alignment? This quiz was made by Titan Ghost
Order and organization are of paramount importance to characters of this alignment. They believe in a strong, well-ordered government, whether that government is a tyranny or benevolent democracy. Laws must be created and obeyed. The benefits or organization and regimentation far outweigh any moral questions raised by their actions. An oath is binding, regardless of consequences. A completely impartial magistrate, or a soldier who never questions his orders are good examples of lawful neutral behavior.

I did another quiz…for all of you who don’t know, I’m a guy! Seriously! No joke!

cute%20flirt What Kind of FLIRT are you? brought to you by Quizilla

tomboy What’s your sexual appeal? brought to you by Quizilla