- Jalaluddin
- Baba’s 7th servant in five years
- Kamal
- Raped by soldiers
- Kamal’s father
- Kamal’s mother
- Killed by stray bullet
- Karim
- People smuggler
- Drives the truck used to escape Kabul
- Russian officer “Mister Soldier Sahib”
- Demands sex for passage
- Toor
- Karim’s brother
- Also a people smuggler
- Young mother
- Russian soldier demands sex from her
- She stops Baba from strangling Karim
- Jalalabad
- Baba and Amir travel here on the way to Pakistan
- Afghan winter vacation spot
- Kabul
- Occupied by Shorawi
- Khyber Pass
- Leads to Peshawar
- Mahipar Falls “Flying Fish Falls”
- Peshawar
- Pakistan
- Poleh-charkhi
- Communist Dungeons
- 1967
- Germany builds hydro plant at Mahipar Falls
- 1981
- March: Baba and Amir leave Kabul
- Childhood with Hassan
- Baba’s strength and virtue
- Baba and Amir escape Kabul
- Russian soldier demands woman
- Baba stands up to him
- Second Russian officer stops Russian soldier
- Arriving in Jalalabad, they find no passage available to Pakistan
- They meet Kamal and his father
- Take fuel truck to Pakistan
- Kamal’s father commits suicide after Kamal dies
Amir retreats to memories of his childhood with Hassan for an escape.
Other Notes
- Rafiqs – comarades