Chapter 7: Tactic 4, Dealing with NoNos
- NoNo from Our Iceberg Is Melting
- the NoNo problem
- NoNos are not skeptics
- very dangerous to change
- Comparison table NoNo v Skeptic (148-149)
- past experiences
- desired data
- use of data
- how active or passive
- bottom line
- Don’t waste time trying to co-opt a NoNo
- they will hem and haw and stall the process
- they will refute all data while appearing to be a part of the process
- Never ignore the NoNos
- will use indirect personal channels to stall process
- will introduce opposition covertly
- Distract the NoNos
- Give them other projects
- Move them away from the action
- Assign a loyal person to keep them busy
- flowchart including danger of NoNos (p. 160)
- Get Rid of Them
- Fire, ask for resignation, demote, reassign, reorganize
- Immobilize them through social pressures
- Stuffed penguin
- Acknowledge and make public NoNo behavior